Stats1 at Stats2
@ Williamstown, MA (Chandler Gymnasium)
10/23/2014 at 4:00 PM

Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Stats1 (4-2, 1-0) 27 19 25 25 3
Stats2 (4-2, 0-1) 25 25 22 14 1
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  WILLIAMS starters: Ally Ostrow; Anna Spellman; Ryan Farley; Katherine Lane; Roxi Corbell; Shelby Fisher.  
  TUFTS starters: Elizabeth Ahrens; Alexandra Garrett; Angela Yu; Maddie Kuppe; Esme Nulan; Mckenzie Humann.  
[Angela Yu] Kill by Katherine Lane (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 0-1
[Caitie Benell] Attack error by Alexandra Garrett. Point WILLIAMS 0-2
1-2 [Caitie Benell] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
[Carolina Berger] Kill by Roxi Corbell (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 1-3
  WILLIAMS subs: Morgan Richman.  
[Morgan Richman] Attack error by Maddie Kuppe. Point WILLIAMS 1-4
  Timeout Tufts.  
2-4 [Morgan Richman] Service error. Point TUFTS
3-4 [Esme Nulan] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Elizabeth Ahrens). Point TUFTS
4-4 [Esme Nulan] Service ace (Ally Ostrow). Point TUFTS
[Esme Nulan] Ball handling error by Esme Nulan. Point WILLIAMS 4-5
  WILLIAMS subs: Tori Jasuta.  
  TUFTS subs: Kyra Baum; Anique Barch.  
[Tori Jasuta] Attack error by Elizabeth Ahrens. Point WILLIAMS 4-6
[Tori Jasuta] Kill by Ryan Farley (from Tori Jasuta). Point WILLIAMS 4-7
5-7 [Tori Jasuta] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
  TUFTS subs: Mackenzie Bright.  
[Maddie Kuppe] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 5-8
6-8 [Shelby Fisher] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
7-8 [Elizabeth Ahrens] Kill by Mckenzie Humann (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Elizabeth Ahrens] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 7-9
8-9 [Ryan Farley] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
9-9 [Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
10-9 [Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
11-9 [Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Carolina Berger). Point TUFTS
  Timeout Williams.  
12-9 [Alexandra Garrett] Service ace (Anna Spellman). Point TUFTS
13-9 [Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Esme Nulan (from Maddie Kuppe). Point TUFTS
14-9 [Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Esme Nulan (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
[Caitie Benell] Attack error by Esme Nulan (block by Anna Spellman; Shelby Fisher). Point WILLIAMS 14-10
[Caitie Benell] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 14-11
  Timeout Tufts.  
15-11 [Caitie Benell] Attack error by Shelby Fisher (block by Maddie Kuppe; Mckenzie Humann). Point TUFTS
[Carolina Berger] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 15-12
[Morgan Richman] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 15-13
16-13 [Morgan Richman] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
  TUFTS subs: Kyra Baum; Anique Barch.  
17-13 [Tori Jasuta] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
  TUFTS subs: Mackenzie Bright.  
[Maddie Kuppe] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 17-14
18-14 [Shelby Fisher] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Elizabeth Ahrens] Kill by Katherine Lane (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 18-15
19-15 [Ryan Farley] Service error. Point TUFTS
20-15 [Angela Yu] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Carolina Berger). Point TUFTS
  Timeout Williams.  
21-15 [Ally Ostrow] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
22-15 [Caitie Benell] Kill by Mckenzie Humann (from Alexandra Wood). Point TUFTS
[Angela Yu] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 22-16
[Ally Ostrow] Service ace (Carolina Berger). Point WILLIAMS 22-17
23-17 [Ally Ostrow] Kill by Esme Nulan (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
24-17 [Alexandra Garrett] Attack error by Ryan Farley. Point TUFTS
25-17 [Caitie Benell] Kill by Mckenzie Humann (from Alexandra Wood). Point TUFTS
[Angela Yu] Bad set by Kyra Baum. Point WILLIAMS 25-18
[Maddie Kuppe] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 25-19
[Ally Ostrow] Attack error by Angela Yu. Point WILLIAMS 25-20
26-20 [] Bad set by Ryan Farley. Point TUFTS
27-20 [Ally Ostrow] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
[Ryan Farley] Bad set by Mackenzie Bright. Point WILLIAMS 27-21
[Alexandra Garrett] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 27-22
[Ryan Farley] Attack error by Mackenzie Bright (block by Katherine Lane). Point WILLIAMS 27-23
[Elizabeth Ahrens] Kill by Katherine Lane (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 27-24
[Katie Kim] Kill by Tori Jasuta (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 27-25
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[Elizabeth Ahrens] Kill by Tori Jasuta. Point WILLIAMS 0-1
[Maddie Kuppe] Kill by Tori Jasuta (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 0-2
[Shelby Fisher] Attack error by Mackenzie Bright. Point WILLIAMS 0-3
[Shelby Fisher] Kill by Katherine Lane (from Team). Point WILLIAMS 0-4
[Anna Spellman] Attack error by Mackenzie Bright. Point WILLIAMS 0-5
[Ally Ostrow] Kill by Katherine Lane (from Team). Point WILLIAMS 0-6
1-6 [Ryan Farley] Kill by Sara Wojciechowski (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
2-6 [Ryan Farley] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Mckenzie Humann). Point TUFTS
[Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Katherine Lane (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 2-7
3-7 [Ally Ostrow] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
[Esme Nulan] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 3-8
  TUFTS subs: Kyra Baum; Katie Kim.  
  WILLIAMS subs: Tori Jasuta.  
[Caitie Benell] Attack error by Kyra Baum. Point WILLIAMS 3-9
4-9 [Caitie Benell] Kill by Elizabeth Ahrens (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
  TUFTS subs: Mackenzie Bright.  
[Maddie Kuppe] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Tori Jasuta). Point WILLIAMS 4-10
[Anna Spellman] Service ace (Alexandra Garrett). Point WILLIAMS 4-11
5-11 [Anna Spellman] Kill by Katie Kim (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
6-11 [Angela Yu] Ball handling error by Ryan Farley. Point TUFTS
[Angela Yu] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 6-12
7-12 [Shelby Fisher] Attack error by Ally Ostrow. Point TUFTS
[Sara Wojciechowski] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 7-13
[Ryan Farley] Attack error by Maddie Kuppe. Point WILLIAMS 7-14
8-14 [Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Elizabeth Ahrens. Point TUFTS
[Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Katherine Lane (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 8-15
9-15 [Ally Ostrow] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
[Esme Nulan] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Tori Jasuta). Point WILLIAMS 9-16
10-16 [Caitie Benell] Kill by Elizabeth Ahrens (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Maddie Kuppe] Attack error by Mackenzie Bright. Point WILLIAMS 10-17
[Anna Spellman] Service ace (Alexandra Garrett). Point WILLIAMS 10-18
  Timeout Tufts.  
[Anna Spellman] Attack error by Kyra Baum. Point WILLIAMS 10-19
11-19 [Anna Spellman] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
12-19 [Elizabeth Ahrens] Attack error by Ryan Farley. Point TUFTS
13-19 [Elizabeth Ahrens] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Elizabeth Ahrens] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 13-20
[Tori Jasuta] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Tori Jasuta). Point WILLIAMS 13-21
14-21 [Tori Jasuta] Kill by Katie Kim (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
15-21 [Angela Yu] Service ace (Caitie Benell). Point TUFTS
[Shelby Fisher] Attack error by Angela Yu. Point WILLIAMS 15-22
16-22 [Shelby Fisher] Service error. Point TUFTS
  TUFTS subs: Sara Wojciechowski.  
[Sara Wojciechowski] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 16-23
17-23 [Ryan Farley] Attack error by Anna Spellman. Point TUFTS
[Alexandra Garrett] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 17-24
[Ally Ostrow] Service ace (Maddie Kuppe). Point WILLIAMS 17-25
18-25 [Angela Yu] Kill by Alexandra Garrett (from Angela Yu). Point TUFTS
19-25 [Tori Jasuta] Kill by Katie Kim (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
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1-0 [Kyra Baum] Attack error by Katherine Lane (block by Katie Kim; Mckenzie Humann). Point TUFTS
[Kyra Baum] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 1-1
2-1 [Ally Ostrow] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Mckenzie Humann). Point TUFTS
  TUFTS subs: Sara Wojciechowski.  
3-1 [Sara Wojciechowski] Attack error by Ally Ostrow. Point TUFTS
[Sara Wojciechowski] Kill by Tori Jasuta (from Caitie Benell). Point WILLIAMS 3-2
4-2 [Alexandra Garrett] Attack error by Anna Spellman (block by Maddie Kuppe). Point TUFTS
[Alexandra Garrett] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 4-3
[Anna Spellman] Kill by Ryan Farley (from Caitie Benell). Point WILLIAMS 4-4
5-4 [Anna Spellman] Attack error by Tori Jasuta. Point TUFTS
[Katie Kim] Ball handling error by Alexandra Garrett. Point WILLIAMS 5-5
[Tori Jasuta] Service ace (Katie Kim). Point WILLIAMS 5-6
6-6 [Tori Jasuta] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
7-6 [Maddie Kuppe] Attack error by Tori Jasuta (block by Elizabeth Ahrens). Point TUFTS
8-6 [Maddie Kuppe] Service ace (Ally Ostrow). Point TUFTS
[Maddie Kuppe] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 8-7
[Shelby Fisher] Attack error by Katie Kim. Point WILLIAMS 8-8
[Elizabeth Ahrens] Kill by Ally Ostrow (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 8-9
[Ryan Farley] Attack error by Mackenzie Bright (block by Anna Spellman; Katherine Lane). Point WILLIAMS 8-10
9-10 [Ryan Farley] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Kyra Baum] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 9-11
[Ally Ostrow] Attack error by Mackenzie Bright (block by Anna Spellman; Katherine Lane). Point WILLIAMS 9-12
10-12 [Ally Ostrow] Kill by Mckenzie Humann (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
11-12 [Sara Wojciechowski] Service ace (Caitie Benell). Point TUFTS
12-12 [Sara Wojciechowski] Attack error by Tori Jasuta (block by Katie Kim). Point TUFTS
[Sara Wojciechowski] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 12-13
[Caitie Benell] Service ace (Maddie Kuppe). Point WILLIAMS 12-14
[Caitie Benell] Attack error by Katie Kim. Point WILLIAMS 12-15
13-15 [Caitie Benell] Service error. Point TUFTS
14-15 [Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Katie Kim. Point TUFTS
[Katie Kim] Kill by Ryan Farley (from Ally Ostrow). Point WILLIAMS 14-16
15-16 [Tori Jasuta] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Maddie Kuppe] Kill by Tori Jasuta (from Shelby Fisher). Point WILLIAMS 15-17
16-17 [Shelby Fisher] Kill by Elizabeth Ahrens (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
17-17 [Elizabeth Ahrens] Attack error by Ryan Farley. Point TUFTS
[Elizabeth Ahrens] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 17-18
[Ryan Farley] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 17-19
  Timeout Tufts.  
[Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Tori Jasuta (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 17-20
18-20 [Anna Spellman] Kill by Elizabeth Ahrens (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
19-20 [Ryan Farley] Kill by Mckenzie Humann (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
20-20 [Kyra Baum] Kill by Mckenzie Humann (from Mackenzie Bright). Point TUFTS
  Timeout Williams.  
21-20 [Kyra Baum] Attack error by Anna Spellman (block by Katie Kim; Mckenzie Humann). Point TUFTS
[Kyra Baum] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 21-21
[Ally Ostrow] Ball handling error by Kyra Baum. Point WILLIAMS 21-22
  Timeout Tufts.  
22-22 [Shelby Fisher] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
23-22 [Ally Ostrow] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
24-22 [Sara Wojciechowski] Attack error by Katherine Lane. Point TUFTS
25-22 [Caitie Benell] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
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[Ryan Farley] Attack error by Katie Kim. Point WILLIAMS 0-1
1-1 [Ryan Farley] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
  TUFTS subs: Sara Wojciechowski.  
[Sara Wojciechowski] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 1-2
2-2 [Alexandra Garrett] Attack error by Tori Jasuta. Point TUFTS
[Alexandra Garrett] Kill by Anna Spellman (from Caitie Benell). Point WILLIAMS 2-3
[Katie Kim] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 2-4
3-4 [Anna Spellman] Attack error by Tori Jasuta (block by Kyra Baum; Elizabeth Ahrens). Point TUFTS
  TUFTS subs: Mackenzie Bright.  
4-4 [Maddie Kuppe] Service ace (Ally Ostrow). Point TUFTS
[Maddie Kuppe] Kill by Ryan Farley (from Tori Jasuta). Point WILLIAMS 4-5
5-5 [Tori Jasuta] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
6-5 [Elizabeth Ahrens] Kill by Mackenzie Bright. Point TUFTS
  Timeout Williams.  
7-5 [Caitie Benell] Attack error by Tori Jasuta. Point TUFTS
[Elizabeth Ahrens] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 7-6
8-6 [Shelby Fisher] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Mckenzie Humann). Point TUFTS
[Kyra Baum] Kill by Katherine Lane (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 8-7
9-7 [Ryan Farley] Attack error by Anna Spellman. Point TUFTS
10-7 [Sara Wojciechowski] Attack error by Ally Ostrow (block by Maddie Kuppe; Mckenzie Humann). Point TUFTS
11-7 [Sara Wojciechowski] Service ace (Caitie Benell). Point TUFTS
12-7 [Sara Wojciechowski] Attack error by Anna Spellman. Point TUFTS
13-7 [Sara Wojciechowski] Attack error by Anna Spellman. Point TUFTS
14-7 [Katie Kim] Kill by Elizabeth Ahrens (from Team). Point TUFTS
15-7 [Sara Wojciechowski] Attack error by Katherine Lane. Point TUFTS
16-7 [Sara Wojciechowski] Attack error by Katherine Lane. Point TUFTS
17-7 [Ally Ostrow] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Alexandra Garrett] Attack error by Sara Wojciechowski. Point WILLIAMS 17-8
18-8 [Caitie Benell] Attack error by Anna Spellman. Point TUFTS
[Katie Kim] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 18-9
19-9 [Anna Spellman] Attack error by Tori Jasuta (block by Elizabeth Ahrens; Maddie Kuppe). Point TUFTS
[Maddie Kuppe] Service error. Point WILLIAMS 19-10
20-10 [Tori Jasuta] Kill by Mackenzie Bright (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
21-10 [Elizabeth Ahrens] Attack error by Ryan Farley (block by Mckenzie Humann). Point TUFTS
22-10 [Elizabeth Ahrens] Kill by Mckenzie Humann (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Elizabeth Ahrens] Kill by Shelby Fisher (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 22-11
23-11 [Shelby Fisher] Kill by Mckenzie Humann (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Kyra Baum] Kill by Katherine Lane (from Ryan Farley). Point WILLIAMS 23-12
24-12 [Ryan Farley] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
[Tori Jasuta] Ball handling error by Elizabeth Ahrens. Point WILLIAMS 24-13
[Sara Wojciechowski] Attack error by Katie Kim. Point WILLIAMS 24-14
25-14 [Ryan Farley] Kill by Maddie Kuppe (from Kyra Baum). Point TUFTS
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